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Sunday, October 30, 2005

On Pipes and Tobacco Discussion

In a really strange sequence of events, I've come to realize just how lowsy the forum I formerly used was. Sparing you all the drama and sparing myself the trouble of copying and pasting it all, you may venture to ASP through Google Groups or visit GrayFox Online Forum and search for pipes.org in either place.

The short end of the story:
Due to growing frustration with the lack of interesting material at pipes.org, I stopped posting there around August. In subsequent conversations with two users there I realized that the forum had been managed poorly and was part of my discontent, though not the majority. I retreated to ASP, and though I don't post often due to school work and the like distractions of college life, I enjoyed the communal atmosphere there. Then the subject of pipes.org administration was brought up in a thread at ASP, where I vented my hostilities publicly and found the GrayFox forum. Subsequently I met a lot of my previous mentors from pipes.org having a grand time and really chatting it up at GrayFox. Let's say I've found a new home for pipe discussion and information.

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